Grey Waste - Solution for serviced pitches

 Having never used a serviced pitch before - I needed to find out what it meant.... In simple terms it means that each pitch has its own water supply, and its own Grey Waste solution. I have always been used to the power but....

In the past, I have emptied grey waste at a Service point when in a Moho or by trundling the grey waste external receiver from my caravan days so - I went to have a look at my preferred forums for advice - MotorhomeFactsForum and my Laika Farcebook group.

Responses were swift and helpful - as always, and once I understood what was needed, I remembered the long length of grey waste pipe that I had used previously - I had effectively lived in my caravan on my drive during covid.

The feedback from helpful people indicated that I needed to have some form of waste pipe, and that the length could be varied.... I read on the solution from assorted places, and elected to take a trip to Homebase and get some parts - to me, it made sense to have a selection of lengths available.

The grey tubing is a 30mm diameter - so needed an adapter to connect to the main drain out.

A swift trip to the local Homebase with a short length of tube cut to offer up for size, and a pile of parts later....

I also measured the inside of my garage space so I could see what kind of lengths could be made up - a conservative length of 120cm would fit well.

I therefore cut the lengths and, as the grey pipe had been rolled, inserted drain rods to straighten

One length I left long - about 250 com as I felt that would be the most likely base length to start with.

a simple, rewarding job - hopefully it works!


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