
Showing posts from December, 2023

First trip(s) booked

 So, we have not actually been out over night in Ziggy as yet, but - we have booked two over night stays. For Christmas I was given a Bucket List Map of Great Britain and Jo and myself sat down and had a peruse. We both realised that neither of us had been to see the seals at Horsey… Horsey has the largest gathering of Grey Seals in the UK - the map said Blakeney but us locals know better - Blakeney is a money pit full of Londoners with Chelsea tractors…. Any way, we are off to Walnut Farm near Waxham to look at the Seals! Following on from that trip - we can only do alternate week ends as my sons come to stay - we are off to Sandringham. This is only 40 miles from us, but it’s where we first went when we bought our old Cheyenne - and we have a free night voucher courtesy of the Caravan and Motorhome Club. Not much for us to see and do on the way, but I suspect that we might go due North and turn left at Wells - and take the coast road to enjoy the view!

Make your own Mattres Topper

 So SWMBO Jo likes comfort - and I get that as well... at the wrong side of 50, having a good nights sleep is important. After the old Cheyenne, Jo wanted both a practical bed - not involving Ladders, and not needing to be assembled each night, so when we bought Ziggy she was really pleased at thew transverse bed - it is a decent size after all! The fitted mattress is ok - lets be honest, its 21 years old, so she wanted a mattress topper. Getting some advice from  we soon worked out that we were not going to get something off the shelf as the mattress has a cut out shape Not deterred we went to  to buy some foam - what we didn't know was that he does offer a bespoke cutting service if you provide a template but - anyway, we went and bought a long length of 3 inch foam and took it home - very kindly they had also applied a stockinette cover - with a small amount of spray adhesiv...

Fitting a Bike Rack to a Laika Kreos 3010

One of the things that Jo and I wanted to do with Ziggy was to not be reliant on a car - so I cooked up the plan, sold my old triathlon training bikes, and bought a couple of E-Bikes . But, as the more observant may have noticed, Ziggy doesn't have a bike rack fitted... and the garage would not take a couple of adult bikes either. So, I started researching and thanks to a lovely lady called Daniele from Laika Customer services, I found out that the original Kreos 3010 was fitted with a Fiamma Carry Bike L80. (I did get a quote from a - unspecified Laika dealer for one but at £750 I paled - but  had the correct unit for £280 including delivery). But what about the fitting - well, I did get several quotes for that - all agreeing on 4 hours labour - the quotes ranged from £80 an hour to £120 per hour plus VAT. So I sat down and read the instructions - and one thing leapt out at me: The actual space that the frame could be fitted in was very small ...