
Showing posts from November, 2023

Microwave - Out with the old, and in with the new

 When we bought Ziggy, I noticed that there was no oven, rather a quite bespoke looking microwave had been fitted. On close examination, and putting my Elf 'n' Safty hat on - once I realised that it had been installed in July 2002, and had no turntable - I elected to get it changed over. So first thing to do was to take the old one out and inspect the inside of the cupboard. I was pleased to see that the carcass was in good order with nothing of note. As it was Black Friday, and knowing the dimensions of the aperture, I spent some time researching what was needed on Amazon, and then selected something that I knew would fit in aesthetically. The old microwave had been secured with the two front "feet" anchored into a batten, and once I realised this I measured up "feet" and the hole and then extended it to secure the new microwave. (Not the prettiest job but - it was effective!) One thing that I had noticed on the old microwave (Can folk please make sure they...

Collection Day!

 So on Wednesday 22nd November I asked one of my chaps at work to drive me the short trip too Downham Market so I could pick up Ziggy. I drove back to work like a dog with two tails, and after work I took him home and parked on the drive. Then, I started to look over the beastie and started to realise that I have a steep learning curve to get to understand the Nuances of the Laika systems. I have been using the laika Motorhomer's Group on Facebook - not only to ask for advice, but also to glean information.... first thing was with regards to the garage door locks....... I have also emptied out the vehicle - the garages at least - and have discovered a shed load of things that I don't think I need including a pole frame awning. I did discover somethings that will be useful but - we will see! The real work starts this week end - I have a list in my minds eye! The bed will get made up, and the kitchen bits and pieces will get moved in and put away. I want to empty and flush the wa...