Make your own Mattres Topper

 So SWMBO Jo likes comfort - and I get that as well... at the wrong side of 50, having a good nights sleep is important.

After the old Cheyenne, Jo wanted both a practical bed - not involving Ladders, and not needing to be assembled each night, so when we bought Ziggy she was really pleased at thew transverse bed - it is a decent size after all!

The fitted mattress is ok - lets be honest, its 21 years old, so she wanted a mattress topper. Getting some advice from we soon worked out that we were not going to get something off the shelf as the mattress has a cut out shape

Not deterred we went to to buy some foam - what we didn't know was that he does offer a bespoke cutting service if you provide a template but - anyway, we went and bought a long length of 3 inch foam and took it home - very kindly they had also applied a stockinette cover - with a small amount of spray adhesive for us to use.

I laid this out on the floor, and then rolled up the stockinette and offered the mattress up and over it to provide the template shape - I marked that with a sharpie pen and then looked at the shape left.

A brief google search had informed by that the best way for an amateur to cut the foam was to use a bread knife, and to use angled steady strokes - don't try to cut it through in one!

Once cut, the stockinette was reapplied and knotted and glued for security.
The Knots obvisouly being under the topper! then the mattress, topper were refitted to the bed, and the bed made up ready.

The foam cost us around £230 - but, I think its a worthwhile simple job to do


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